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Leyendas del Béisbol Cubano: El Universo Alternativo del Béisbol (Peter C. Bjarkman and Bill Nowlin Editors)

"Leyendas del Béisbol Cubano" (Spanish-language edition) of Peter C. Bjarkman and Bill Nowlin's SABR Diigital Library volume contains the same material as the English-language version. All Spanish translations are provided by Reynaldo Cruz of Holguin, Cuba. The Spanish edition can be ordered either from SABR on-line ( for from (by clicking this image)

"Béisbol Mundial and "Primera Fila" Magazines


Bjarkman Books in Translation

The following three Bjarkman books have been published in foreign language (translated) editions.

"Baseball & the Game of Life: Stories for the Thinking Fan" (English title appears on cover). Edited by Peter C. Bjarkman. Tokyo: Shinjuku Shobo Limited, 1994 (anonymous translator) Originally published in 1991 by Vintage Books (Random House) under the same title

"Mistrzowie Slam Dunk" by Peter C. Bjarkman. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Ryszard Kluszcznski Limited, 1995 (Monika Dawidowwicz, translator) Originally published in 1994 by Crescent Books (Random House Value Publishing) under the title "Slam Dunk Superstars"

"Histoire De La NBA" by Peter C. Bjarkman. London and Paris: PML Editions, 1994 (Béatrice Comte, translator) Originally published in 1992 by Crescent Books (Random House) under the same title.